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Exploring Christian Martyrdom

Would You Die for Your Faith?

Rosary in Sunset
Cross Talisman

Early Christians Did

Our Mission

At 'Martyrs and the Persecuted Church,' we delve into the profound lives and sacrifices of early Christian martyrs. Our interactive platform offers a comprehensive learning experience through readings, videos, and recordings. Students will explore the motivations behind these martyrs' actions and analyze the strategies employed by persecuted Christians. Additionally, our course delves into the historical context of pagan religious violence and the pivotal role of Christ's resurrection in ending the cycle of violence.


Reading for Classes

1 / Overview of the Course, September 1


2 / The Roots and Context of Christian Martyrdom, September 8


3 / Contrasting Jewish and Roman Persecution, September 15

Reading and Video:

Optional Reading/Videos:

4 / Understanding the Cult of the Martyrs: St. Agnes, the Geometry of Love, and Saints Days, September 22
5 / The Benedict Strategy: Cappadocia, Cyprian, and the Monastics: When is it Right to Run and Hide, September 29
6 / The Dessert Strategy: Anthony, Jerome, the Pillar-Saints, and the Desert Fathers, October 6
7 / Origen, Athanasius, and Boniface the Confrontational Strategy, October 13
8 / The Impact of Great Martyrs of the Early Church: Lawrence, Sebastian, Perpetua and Felicity, October 20
9 / The Religion of Grace and the Culture of Shame: St. Augustine on Martyrdom/Suicide and The City of God, October 27
10 / The East/West Schism: Emperors and Theologians: A Comparison of St. John Chrysostom and St. Ambrose, November 3
11 / Medieval Martyrs and Pre Reformation: Thomas Becket, John Wycliffe, and Jon Hus, November 10
  • Reading:

    • Reading from Gonzalez on Avignon Papacy and Council of Constance (which condemned Huss) (photocopy)

  • Optional Reading/Videos: 

12 / How the martyrs prepare us for current battles, November 17
13 / Sharing our Work, November 23


No events at the moment

Class Previews and Class Work


Writing Assignments

Week 1: 


Thoughts from Class


Thoughts from Class


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